Actively participating members:

Quality Program

The fundamentals elements of our success are a combination of highly trained people, documented procedures, and technologically advanced equipment. Job-specific training is provided to all project personnel to assure that proficiency is achieved and maintained. All technical personnel participate in continuing education and in-house training programs to maintain a high level of technical expertise in each discipline. Our internal certification program exceeds the guidelines established by ASNT-TC-1A.

Audits are conducted to ensure corporate continuity, procedural implementation, and technical review. 


Employee safety has always come first at J.Z. Russell Industries, Inc. Our commitment to safety begins with the president and extends to our most recently hired employee. All new employees receive numerous hours of orientation covering company policy, hazard communication training, as well as training on Personal Protective Equipment.

J.Z. Russell Industries Inc. is an active participating corporate member of PICS, ISNETWORLD, The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, and the American Petroleum Institute.